This part will be complete translated soon!

The Veil


The Veiled Feminine speeks:
My voice has penetrate one thousand veils,
before it will reach the human heart.

Vilayat Inayat Khan

Diese Schleier wurden nicht nur durch die Verachtung
des gewöhnlichen Mannes für das Weibliche aufgezogen,
sondern auch durch des Unverständnis
von bereits entwickelten Männern gegenüber
den besonderen Qualitäten der Fraulichkeit,
ebenso durch den abnehmenden Glauben der Frauen
an die verschleierten Werte der Weiblichkeit -
abgelenkt wie sie es sind von den eher sichtbaren Werten.

Taj Inayat,The Crystal Chalice

The deluded despise me, the assumed human form,
not knowing my higher essence, the great Lord of beings.
Vain hopes, vain actions, vain thoughtless knowledge
resort to fiendish and demonic deluded nature.
But great souls resorting to me, the divine nature,
their undivided minds are devoted to knowing
the imperishable source of being.
I am the same in all beings;
there is none disliked or favored by me.
But whoever loves me with devotion,
they are in me, and I am also in them.

Bhagavad Gita 9

Only the soul, which is filled with silence,
is able to lift the veil
that divides her still
from God and His embracing arms.


In that love which seeks Thee worthily,
Thou self raises the veil
that I may look on Thee in Thy glories.

Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya, Basra

