Sponsors and Patrons

Building the UNITHEUM is a communal work

In teamwork we will succeed in creating this manifest symbol of unity.

To finance the buildings and the estate, we will need sponsors or patrons from different lines of business, so that money will be raised within a reasonable period of time.


For the financing of the UNITHEUM we need

•  persons who work within the fields of science, business, politics, sports or culture

•  firms and concerns

•  foundations

Their promotions and/or generous donations will help to create this visible landmark to the unity of religions and will set a signal for peace in the world.

If there will be a sufficientent amount of money, the start of a foundation is planed. Nevertheless we have the intention to apply for public money.



in support of the project can be transfer
without fee to:

Int. Bank Acc. Number: DE 39 4306 0967 2024 2031 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank –
BIC (Bank Identif. Code): GENODEM1GLS

Contact and donations in USA:
Moinuddin Chr. T. Clarke, Imperial / Missouri

