The inner and outer Temple

Ashem vohû vahishtem astî;
Ushtâ astî; ushtâ ahmâi
hyat asâi vahishtâ ashem.

Yasna 20

Holiness (Asha) is the best of all good: it is also happiness.
Happy the man who is holy with perfect holiness!


I will praise Him with hymns of adoration.
As an initiate, I see Him clearly in my mind's eye
- through Truth.
He is the Lord of word and deed
through Vohu mano - the Good Mind.
We offer Him our prayers to be treasured in His House of Song.
And these Honourable, O Mazda,
I will place in Your House of Song:
the Good Mind and Asha, the souls of the righteous,
together with our homage to Armaiti, the Devotion.
May You strengthen these with the might of Your Sovereignty.

Gathas of Avesta, Yasna49, 10 +45, 8 (transl. by P. Nanavutty)

